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24x7 Suicide Prevention & Crisis Support

We are here to listen, be with you, and connect you with the right professionals.

About Us

1Life is a non-profit organization that serves distressed individuals such as yourself through our suicide prevention helpline, tele counselling, and crisis support. All you need is a little help and we are committed to you. No matter how dire the situation is, no matter if you believe a magical solution doesn’t exist, you talking to us about it and distancing yourself from that thought even for just 24 hours will make the world of a difference for you.

Our Team

Our professionally trained volunteers will listen to anything and everything you have to say. You are not weak or crazy if you feel burdened or exhausted. Tolerance is subject to individuals and so is pain. Only you understand the depth of your situation – better than anyone else. So, we are here to listen, be with you, and connect you with the right professionals.


As volunteer counsellors, you are required to understand and communicate with people who are contemplating suicide. Several issues can lead to suicidal tendencies. It could be due to cultural norms, legal issues, family problems, ill health, and so much more. What may not be a trigger for someone may be a devastating factor for another.


For us to achieve our mission and realize our vision, funding is crucial. As a non-profit organization, 1Life relies on regular contributions which is why we have a set mechanism in place. You can donate any amount to keep the organization running or you can contribute by becoming a volunteer.


With the help of our corporate partnership program, you can ensure the mental wellbeing of your employees at a very affordable price. 1Life is the Mental Health Partner of SMBs, that offers a variety of tailored services including a dedicated helpline service, one-on-one counselling service, and once-in-a-quarter team events.

Contact Us

Address :
Pl 22, Srija Brundavan Colony,
Reddy Enclave, Bachupally Road,
Miyapur Hyderabad, 50049
  +91-9866996641 / +91-9849215195